Monday, December 12, 2011

Foster Teen: 'I Needed Emotional Support, Not Medication'

Locked in a Psychiatric Ward; Forced to take meds he doesn't need.

"The next stop we made was a psychiatric hospital for kids. We went through door after door, and it dawned on me that every door had a lock. Once the door shut you couldn’t open it. The doors locked you in. They intended to keep me here. That realization gave me a panic attack. I started running and the security tackled me. I was forcibly dragged in."

Friday, December 9, 2011

How Effective is Your Marriage Therapy?

Here's a set of questions to help you figure out if your therapist is giving you what you need to end up with a truly strong and loving partnership.

Generosity Essential to Fulfilling Relationships

The Generous Marriage

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Isolation for Rejuvenation, uncomfortable and profound

Getting Far, Far Away From It All

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